Senin, 15 April 2013



          Recently, many people in Yogjakarta often associated Kulon Progo to the very popular tourism spot at Kokap district “Waduk Sermo”. So when someone asked “where are you from”, and then he answers Im from Kulon Progo. He might respond the answer with the new question “Are you from “Waduk Sermo?” or How far your hometown with “Waduk Sermo”?” This question indicated that the most widely know tourism object in Kulon Progo is Waduk Sermo. But, actually the very beautifull tourism object in Kulon Progo is not only “Waduk Sermo”. One of them is the Tourism Village Object called Kalibiru.
          Kalibiru is located in the sub-district of Kokap Hargowilis. We can find the beautiful view of the mountain and a dam that usually called as Waduk sermo. One thing that makes kalibiru is very beautifull is the good society attitude to the nature especially to the biodevercity of biotic and abiotic components in the nature ecosystem. It makes the society is aware to broke the ecosystem. Moreover the society of Kalibiru also has a belief that behind the beauty of Kalibiru there are the hidden powers that protect the Kalibiru’s ecosystem. The other thing that makes Kalibiru is very special is the sunset’s view where many people can enjoy it with the minimum budget, it happened because the government do not implement the high retribution for the tourist.   Now, Kalibiru have been becomes the asset of Kulon Progo that protected by the local government.

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